Arquitectura i Accessibilitat Barcelona

Les Masies de Voltregà accessibility plan

Drafting of the Accessibility Plan for Les Masies de Voltregà

The plan detects the deficits in terms of accessibility of the different urban elements that make up or are located in public space and proposes actions to correct them within the processes of transformation and improvement of urban space, considering accessibility as another quality to be taken into account. when intervening in the physical environment (be it design, construction, management, maintenance, etc.).

In Les Masies de Voltregà the plan has been drawn up in the area of:

  • 2006: Public roads, transport, buildings and communication
  • 2021: Review of public roads and transportation.

Les Masies de Voltregà

Total surface

Urbanized area of the municipality




Diputació de Barcelona

Type of work

Public consulting
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